Sunday, September 6, 2009

The 1919-23 peace talks

Q1.Study the extract, and then answer the questions which follow.We are told that we should acknowledge that we alone are guilty of having causedthe war. I would be a liar if I agreed to this. We are not trying to avoid all responsibility for this war. However, we emphatically deny that the German people should be seen as the only guilty party. Over fifty years the imperialism of all European states has poisoned the international situation.
The leader of the German delegation at Versailles, speaking in 1919.
(a)What military restrictions did the Treaty of Versailles impose on Germany? [5]
(b) Why did the ‘Big Three’ disagree over how to treat Germany? [7]
(c) How far could the Treaty be justified at the time? Explain your answer. [8]
Q2. Study the extract, and then answer the questions which follow.In my opinion, it is not possible to lay the entire responsibility for the war on anysingle nation. By aiming at the destruction of the economic life of Germany this treaty threatens the health and prosperity of the Allies themselves. By making impossible demands it leaves Europe more unsettled than it found it.
John Maynard Keynes writing in 1920.Keynes was a British official in Paris at the Peace Conference but left early, disgusted at the treatment of Germany.
(a) What did Clemenceau want to achieve from the peace settlement of 1919–20? [5]
(b) Why did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles cause so much bitterness in Germany?[7]
(c) ‘The peacemakers of 1919–23 coped successfully with the problems they faced.’ How far do you agree with this statement on the treaties made with the defeated powers? Explain your answer. [8]
Q3. Study the extract, and then answer the questions which follow.The Allied governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied governments and their peoples have been subjected as a result of the war.
The War Guilt Clause.
(a) In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles weaken Germany’s armed forces? [5]
(b) Why did Clemenceau demand that a harsh peace be imposed on Germany? [7]
(c) ‘The Treaty of Versailles was unfair on Germany.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]
Q4. Study the extract, and then answer the questions which follow.The ‘Big Three’ had very different ideas about the peace settlement. The traditional interpretation of their relationship is that Wilson was the idealist whose plans were undermined by the others, that Clemenceau was determined to gain French revenge whilst Lloyd George acted as a balance between the other two.
From a British school history textbook.
(a) What military restrictions were imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles? [5]
(b) Why did the aims of the ‘Big Three’ at Versailles differ? [7]
(c) How successful was the League of Nations in the 1920s? Explain your answer. [8]
Q5.Study the extract, and then answer the questions which follow.We want a peace which will be just. We want a stern peace because the occasion demands it, but the severity must not be for vengeance, but for justice. Above all we want to protect the future against a repetition of the horrors of this war.
Lloyd George speaking about the Paris Peace Conference.
(a) Describe what Clemenceau and Lloyd George each wanted to achieve in the peace settlementof 1919–20. [5]
(b) Why did the Treaty of Versailles cause problems for Germany in the years up to 1923? [7]
(c) Was the Treaty of Versailles fair? Explain your answer. [8]

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